00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
How To Start Investing in the Stock Market
(Even if you're a beginner or worried it's too risky)
How To Invest Without Risking everything... and still get better returns than a measly savings account
Why Leaving Your Finances To a "pro" could be your worst mistake ever! (Seriously)... and Why you don't need to be an expert
Use the Multiplier Effect to build wealth, and start with Way Less Money Than You Probably Think
A bit about your host
Hi, I’m Simone, performance coach and private systems equities trader. 
There’s something I want you to know ...

Women are BETTER at investing than men! 

In fact, women who invest in stocks generate tens if not hundreds of thousands more on returns* on average than their male counterparts.
It’s time to bring this hidden super power out into the open, and I can help! I’m on a mission to help women like you take control of their financial futures and find More Money and More Freedom by investing in stocks.

I’ve been successfully trading for over 6 years across multiple markets around the world. I consistently beat the market... which means I know A LOT about the financial world, investing, and the most effective ways to build wealth, especially when it comes to the stock market...
BONUS! Stay until the end of the webinar and I’ll let you in on the top seven reasons people lose money in the stock market - AND how to make sure you're AVOIDING them all! 
The sales figures stated above are sales figures from (personal results, client results). Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate these results and are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
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